B.Sc Environmental Studies

About B.Sc Environmental Studies

The activities of human beings to a large extent pollute the environment. The need to regulate the amount of pollutants in the environment means that a standard or control should be put in place. Environmental regulation and standards refer to a set of specific rules that authorize and control a given firm’s activities so that it operates within legally and socially acceptable parameters.

The programme, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Standards, is designed as a four or five year degree programme depending on the department of domicile. It is interdisciplinary in nature, drawing upon the diversity of environmentally related departments and disciplines. Students are to explore a wide variety of environmental issues, including:

  • The social and human environment such as urban and regional planning, ethical and value systems, environmental law and policy, indigenous and religious beliefs, history and impact of past decisions, and environmental impact analysis.
  • The physical environment including the hydrologic cycle, waste management, coastal processes, energy production technologies, soil preservation, geography, and air/water pollution.
  • The biological environment including the function of ecosystems, population dynamics, and toxicology.

Graduates of the programme will have the ability to manage procurement both in the private and public sectors, towards achieving higher levels of service delivery, business performance and profitability. Some among the graduates would expectedly proceed to read for higher degrees to prepare them for academic positions in the sub-specialization of procurement.


The programme is designed to provide students with the scholarly background and intellectual skills necessary to understand complex environmental problems in order to formulate good policies and take informed decisions on issues relating to the environment.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the Environmental Standards programme is to produce competent, intellectually mature, ethical and socially responsible environmental resource managers. The specific objectives of the programme are to:

  • Create knowledge on ethical and value systems, environmental law and policy, indigenous and religious beliefs, history and impact of past decisions, and environmental impact analysis.
  • Create in the student an awareness and comprehension of a wide range of environmental challenges and opportunities in the immediate and wider region
  • Provide comprehensive knowledge of management systems, legal framework and social/cultural issues pertaining to utilization of natural resources.
  • Develop skills and knowledge for translating the theory and concepts of resource and Environmental Standards into practice relevant to communities and workplaces today.
  • Create knowledge about geophysical and biological processes and constraints characterising human activities and their interaction with the environment.
  • Develop skills in the application of monitoring and Environmental Standards tools used by resource and environmental practitioners.

Admission Requirements

The criteria for admission into the programme are:

  • UTME Admission The minimum academic requirement is credit level at not more than two sittings in five subjects at O’ Level in nationally recognised examinations including English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects from the following list; Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Economics, Government and Agriculture.
  • Direct Entry Admission Candidates who fulfil the basic admission requirements and who have obtained G.C.E Advanced Level, HSC/IJMB or equivalent passes in Biology and Physics, or Mathematics or Physics, or Geography and any other subject noted above as well as holders of the Advanced Diploma in Environmental Standards at Credit level may be admitted at the 200 level of the programme.
  • Inter-University Transfer Mode Students can be admitted through this mode into 200-Level of the programme, provided they have the requisite O’ level qualifications as prescribed above and a minimum CGPA of 2.00. Students who transfer from other universities shall be credited with only those courses deemed relevant to the programme, which they have already passed prior to their transfer. Such students shall however be required to pass the minimum number of units specified for graduation for the number of sessions there are left to spend in the Faculty. Thus, no student on transfer shall spend less than four semesters (two sessions) in order to earn a degree. Students who transfer from another programme in the Faculty for any approved reason shall be credited with those units passed that are within the curriculum of the programme they had transferred. Appropriate decisions on transfer cases shall be subjected to the approval of Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Board.

Duration Of The Programme

The programme is expected to last for a minimum of eight (8) or maximum of ten (10) academic semesters for UTME entry mode students and six (6) or eight (8) academic semesters for Direct Entry admission candidates respectively. A minimum of six months of Work Experience (SIWES) is required.